A large St. Bernard dog with white and brown long hair sitting on the beach sand with the ocean tide coming up behind him.

"Giant" Travel Plans - Spring Break is Coming!

Spring Break is Here—We Want to Hear from YOU!

Traveling with a giant breed dog can be challenging, and with spring break around the corner, we’d love to hear about your experiences, tips, and tricks for hitting the road safely with your oversized co-pilots. Whether you're taking a long road trip, heading to the beach, or navigating service dog policies, your insights can help fellow giant breed owners travel with confidence.

Helpful Topics to Share:
🚗 Road Trips – Planning stops, finding dog-friendly roadside hotels, managing seating arrangements, feeding schedules, and recognizing when it's time to call it a day.
🏝️ Tropical Travel – Heat safety, beach precautions, and grooming—because no one likes salty, matted fur!
🐕‍🦺 Service Dogs – Have you encountered stricter service dog policies in certain states? Share your experiences.
🦴 Chew Toys & Bones – What are your go-to products for keeping your giant relaxed and entertained on long drives?

Click the link to submit your story! 

We’re dedicated to fostering a welcoming community where giant breed owners can share their stories, support one another, and help others make informed decisions for their pets' well-being. Your experiences matter, and we can’t wait to hear from you!

St. Bernard Dog with long white and brown hair sitting on the beach sand with the ocean in the background.
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